Saturday, August 22, 2015

Successful Saturdays

So in yesterday’s post I spoke of taking a day off as a reward for doing well. Today I want to tell you why it is imperative to your business to work Saturdays. The world has changed and more and more people work different shifts and different hours however the majority of people are still home on Saturdays and therefore it is still the best day to make prospecting calls, set appointments and to close business.

Successful Saturdays, as I call them, are built on working a few intense hours and staying focused on your plan for that time period. It doesn’t have to be a full day just make sure you treat the amount of time as if it was a full day. Successful Saturdays are not for follow up or service work although you should always complete service work if it is asked of you. Four to five hours on a Saturday is equal to eight hours during the week because of the availability of your potential prospects, customers and clients. So take Friday off if you earn it but work Saturday to increase your sales production!!!

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