Sunday, August 16, 2015


Have you ever had one of those days where you feel no matter what you do you are losing it? You are so rattled you are not even sure you will be able to get through the day. Every prospecting call is going wrong, every customer contact doesn’t turn out how you want it to and every client is demanding more service than you can possibly give that day.

So what gets you through the day? Poise is what allows you to succeed. Successful business owners and salespeople use poise to make sure they get through the day and transition to a better day the next day. Poise is being confident and having composure. Poise is being able to keep your head while everyone else around you is losing theirs. Sometimes our clients and or staff tend to lose their poise first it is our responsibility to keep our poise and keep the situation from getting out of control. It might be telling someone you won’t speak with them until they are a little or even a lot calmer. If you keep your poise your clients will recognize it and you will in turn have a better relationship with them.

Poise also shows a calmness surrounding you. People like people who are cool, calm and collected, just don’t be too cool that annoys some people. Have you ever been on a boat and marveled at how calm the seas were? Didn’t it make you feel incredibly calm and serene? When you can acquire those traits your clients and staff will see you that way. When everyone around you sees that you don’t lose your poise when something goes wrong they will follow your lead. If you can succeed at staying poised you will see an increase in your business, in your sales and in your life in general.

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