Monday, August 10, 2015


Have you ever had a week where you didn’t close enough sales? You made all the correct prospecting calls. You had enough appointments and the appointments even went well but just didn’t end up in sales.

Did you consider that you might not have been as focused as you normally are? Focus is the difference between top producers and the mediocre producer. That additional focus the top producer has usually relates to the extra sales the mediocre producer does not. Sometimes even the top producer can lose his focus and therefore not have his or her best week.

So the question is, “How do I maintain that top focus?” Here is a list of ideas top producers practice:

1. First in last out - Top producers are usually the first in the office and the last to leave. They tend to make that one last call the mediocre producer doesn’t.

2. Make to do lists everyday – Top producers understand to stay focused you need to know what you are focused on.

3. Service issues first - Top producers don’t waste sales or prospecting time doing service issues. They get in early and take care of the service issues first so they can prospect and make sales.

4. Never stop prospecting – Top producers prospect even when they aren’t prospecting. They might mentally size someone up for future business.

5. Be organized – Top producers are focused because they are better organized than everyone else.

6. Close, Close, Close - Top producers ask for the business more, plain and simple.

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