Sunday, August 2, 2015


How do you earn respect?

Respect can be earned many ways and lost just as quickly. Respect is described as a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. When you share your abilities with others, when you expand others knowledge by sharing yours you earn others respect. Another way to earn respect is to respect others opinions and feelings. Respect for others allows you to grow as a person which in turn increases the respect you receive. Life is filled with challenges, it is how you respond to these challenges that determine your altitude and attitude and how much respect you earn.

In the world of sales, respect of others will help you increase your sales. By respecting and sharing ideas of your associates, paying attention to your clients wishes and following up whenever necessary you will earn the respect of others. By the way, “whenever necessary” is all the time if you truly want to earn someone’s respect. In the sales world, once you have earned respect it is up to you to retain it. You need to continue to listen and share what you have learned with others and respect will always be yours.

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