Saturday, August 8, 2015

4 great opening lines when prospecting

Great opening line for life insurance:
“Mr. Prospect, if it is this challenging for you to deal with these issues, with all the understanding and talent you have, what would it be like for your family if you weren’t able to help them? What if you weren’t able to come home tonight because of a fatal car accident?"
This is another great opening line for life insurance:
“How long can your wife and children afford to go without a paycheck?”
This one is great for business owners:
“Out of inquisitiveness, do you have an exit plan for your business? Someday, due to death, a disability or because you want to retire, you will exit your business. Do you have a plan to take your money out of the business on an advantageous basis?”
This one is very good for disability insurance:
Your Q.: Would $200 a month for your expenses make a big difference in your lifestyle?” Prospects answer: “No.” Your Q: “Would it make a big difference in your lifestyle if you didn’t have $5,000 a month for your expenses?” Prospects answer: “Absolutely — that would be a disaster!” Your reply: “Well, if you were to give me $200 per month, (which would pay the disability premium), I’ll make sure you and your family would receive $5,000 per month if you’re sick or hurt and can’t work. Does that sound like a fair deal?”

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