Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Have you ever thought you had something sold to a prospect only to find out they went with someone else for a lower rate or even occasionally for a higher rate? The reason that happens is you failed to provide value. Joe Plumeri, CEO of Willis said, “Price is only an issue in the absence of value.” What is your value proposition? Every successful sales person has a value proposition which is why they are successful in the first place. So how do you create your value proposition? What makes a good value proposition is simplicity, make sure it is easy to understand. Your value proposition needs to convey a tangible result the prospect will receive when they do business with you. Keep it very short, simple and on the clients terms. Finally, avoid overhyping your product, service and your customer service.

Value is definitive and makes you different than all other sales people. When you add value price goes away or becomes less important to the prospect. Value can be as simple as adding free delivery or express delivery for no extra charge, it can be meeting your client at 6am because no one else will or it can be remembering a special date of the prospect such as a birthday or a work anniversary. Remember, value is the gap between what clients will do for themselves and what we will do for them. Sometimes because of your product you are the value, it is your knowledge and ability to convey that knowledge or it is your calmness that gives your prospect peace of mind. Whatever your value is it is more precious than price and it is up to you to create it and make the most of it.

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