Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Why do we have two ears and one mouth? So we can listen twice as much as we speak. Do you practice that in your business or are you always the one speaking. An old sales adage is the last one to speak loses. What would your business be like if you listened more? If you listened more you would identify the client’s needs as opposed to selling them what they asked for. Clients always think they know what they need and want, they are impulsive and make decisions rashly. If you are to become a true professional you must sit, ask open ended questions, listen closely and then listen some more. While listening, identify what they are really looking for, inevitably it is always something more than the original thought. Make sure that you are listening and paying attention, take notes, look your prospect or client in the eye and look for telltale signs of what they truly need. A good listener will listen to not only to what is being said, but also to what is left unsaid or only partially said. “Listening is being able to be changed by the other person." -- Alan Alda, actor and director. When you listen you learn about the prospect and you then present solutions to their needs instead of selling a product. The client understands you listened and identified areas they hadn’t expressed. So listening helps you become the trusted advisor the client is looking for.

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