Sunday, September 20, 2015


A partnership is an agreement between two or more individuals to share in the responsibilities of a combined venture. Have you ever considered that a sale is a partnership also? When you go on a sales call you are trying to create a partnership between you and the prospect. A good partnership brings the best attributes of both parties to the forefront. In sales, we are trying to have the prospect purchase goods, a service or an idea that will benefit them or their company and we are the partner delivering it to them. When we form partnerships we form trust and trust is an important aspect of selling. Opportunities increase when you help others win so a small win for a partner is a huge win for you.

Partnerships are built a little at a time. You must create the need and the want. You must show the benefit. When you show the benefit the client will see you as a strategic partner and not some salesperson trying to sell him something. When you involve your customers as partners you are inviting them to be collaborators and co-innovators. Your sales are nothing without prospects or clients and therefore it is an endless battle to attract new clients and retain the ones you already have. However, a client who feels they are in a partnership will stay a client and will refer others because they feel comfortable and not sold. So, create scenarios where the prospect wins and your partnership will be formed and lead to you being a successful salesperson.

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