Thursday, September 24, 2015


Life is about opportunity and if you chose a sales career or to be your own business owner then you understand the opportunity value. Most people who are business owners or salespeople take advantage of the opportunities available and a few don’t. The ones who don’t just didn’t get the opportunity that was available to them. Today’s blog will focus on the ones who do and who want to take advantage of the opportunities out there.

So how do you take advantage of the opportunities and what are they?

• As business owners and salespeople you have the opportunity to create our own schedule.

However, you better be diligent about your time management or you will be of those who don’t succeed.

• You work harder than someone who works 9-5 but you have the opportunity to make more money than someone who works a 9-5 job.

• Your income is limitless.

• You can go see your kid’s plays without taking an approved day off and still go back to work and make more money than the 9-5 guy can.

• You can have a great sales month in one day and still get more done. It is all up to you.

• You choose the customers you want to deal with.

As you can see these are the opportunities the self-employed small business owner and salespeople rave about. These are nice perks but don’t forget you are the one at the end of the day who has to make a sale to get paid so never misunderstand the opportunity. The 9-5 guy usually gets paid whether they make the sale or not so take advantage of your opportunity every day. The nice thing about today is it is not just another day it is the opportunity for another chance, a new beginning so make sure you wrap your arms around it and embrace it.

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