Thursday, September 3, 2015


There is a quote that says patience is a virtue that dates back to the fifth century. When you are patient in business people notice, they see you as not pushy, they like your demeanor and they tend to believe what you say more often. Patience is definitely a virtue in business as people don’t see you as a salesman they see you as a provider, someone who offers help or assistance. Patience has a calming effect on others. With patience you seem calmer, with patience you see the bigger picture and you become less desperate for a sale. Being patient doesn’t require waiting it requires waiting with a good attitude. Patient salespeople understand that the business will come to them as long as they prospect and do the things necessary to allow the business to happen.

Are you a patient business owner or salesperson? According to Bill Gates, “Patience is a key element of success.” Do you understand how patience will allow your business to grow? Patience in business creates referrals which produces more business. There is a saying, “if you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs you are a head of the game” , well being patient allows you to keep your head straight while others lose their patience and fail. Patient people tend to accomplish more because they understand time management, they see the whole day as the opportunity instead of limiting it to the time period of the appointment. So be patient the business is on the way.

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