Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Even if you work for someone do you have the entrepreneur spirit inside of you? Do you wake up every day looking to achieve more? When we are in sales we need to understand that we are owners even if you work for a big company. Make sure you own your thoughts, make sure you own your time, make sure no one else is wasting your time and make sure at the end of the day it was productive. When you have an ownership mindset you will see an increase in productivity and therefore an increase in sales. Whether you work for someone or own your business the mindset is the same if you want to achieve tremendous success.

I have outlined 6 steps to creating that entrepreneurial mindset:

1. You must set goals that exceed what you can accomplish.

Entrepreneurial people won’t settle for average. They see average as what everyone else is. Instead, they continually look for ways to stretch themselves, to create more, to recreate themselves and to become the best person they can be. They set their sights on goals that others have never even thought of. They set goals so high that even if they miss, they land higher than everyone else.

2. You must have an innate ability to focus intently on reaching the goals you set.

Everyone can set goals, but not everyone can stay committed to those goals. The difference is the entrepreneurial mindset doesn’t allow the top sales people to get sidetracked. Staying focused is the key. They know where they are going and what they are trying to achieve. They will turn away the good things so they can focus on the best things.

3. You must be willing to sacrifice to succeed.

When the going gets tough, too many people quit. Top achievers understand that sacrifice will help them reach the goals they have set. They constantly remind themselves of their goals. It is written somewhere and they remind themselves of the reward and that it is worth pushing through the challenges. Top sales people are willing to sacrifice personally in the in order to get the reward of achieving their goals. Entrepreneurial minds keep their eye on the big picture while average producers look at the obstacles.

4. You need to be tenacious.

Tenacity is being persistent. Successful entrepreneurial people aren’t easily moved from their goals. They understand that there will be tough times, financial troubles, that they will be tired and that they may even want to quit. However, they will keep on going because they know the prize is ahead, and they won’t quit before they get there.

5. You must have a heightened self-awareness.

Entrepreneurial minded people know they will not be able to do it alone. They use a “brains on tap not on top” mentality. They recognize their weaknesses and understand the basis for utilizing resources that the average producer doesn’t.

6. You must have a desire to help others achieve.

Top achievers know they can make a difference for others, not only their clients but other producers also. An entrepreneur wants to bring as many people to the top alongside them, not see how many they can leave in the dust. They understand the more successful their colleagues are the more successful they will be.

If you want to be successful remember these six steps and follow them religiously and you will be successful at anything you do.

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