Friday, July 31, 2015



What type of communicator are you?

The best leaders are communicators and most of them aren't born that way. The best communicators are listeners, they truly listen to others and learn how to process information and then communicate that information with others.

If you want to become a better communicator become a better listener it really is that simple. A communicator understands listening skills are the most important skill because they show you care, that you are paying attention. Make sure you are really listening because people know when you aren’t and that is a turn off. When you listen your clients and your staff will come to appreciate your listening skills and in turn will communicate with you better.

Do you expect your clients or staff to reach out to you or are you proactive about communicating with them? It is very important that you set the meeting with prospective clients, exiting clients and your staff but instead of getting in front of them and speaking to them ask questions. Questions create answers, answers create solutions and solutions make clients and staff happy which leads to better communications for all.

A strong communicator understands at the end of the day that listening not speaking and is the key to a satisfied client and staff!!

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