Saturday, July 25, 2015

Qualities of Sucess

Qualities of Success
Have you ever considered what makes you successful?
Common sense. First and foremost being successful requires some form of common sense. The ability to understand what is going on around you and put it to good use. Common sense can be like a sixth sense allowing you to understand before most the scenario playing out around you and allowing you to utilize your skill set before someone else does.
Strive to be the best. As I mentioned above you must have common sense however common sense without expertise makes you as good as the next guy. Most successful people are very good at what they do, and they know they are very good. Successful people study, listen and learn. They achieve through learning and using for the betterment of their clients until they are recognized by their peers as being among the very best in their fields. This quality of being the best is an absolute prerequisite for achieving success.
Have big shoulders. Successful people have big shoulders. They understand that they control their own destiny and are self-reliant and do not look to other for the solutions to their problems. Blame and excuses are for others and do not fit into their vocabulary when things go wrong. They are always first in line for the tough assignments, and they take charge when something needs to be done.
Smart, not necessarily book smart. For successful people being smart is another personal quality that helps them succeed. Smartness seems to be a key requirement for success in any field. However, smartness it is not necessarily measured in terms of test scores. Actually many of the more notable men and women alive today did poorly in school obtaining low grades or no grades, and many of them did not even complete college or high school. Their smartness was not reflected in their grades but in their ability to transfer what they understood into something they could use.
Be results-oriented focused. Don’t daydream! Successful individuals complete more tasks in a short period of time than the average person. These individuals have the ability to identify the important stuff and focus their energy into becoming results-oriented. This means accepting the task of achieving the results for which they are responsible for. Did you ever notice successful people seem to have that ability to achieve more and still have time to be at their children’s events, take better vacations or just take an afternoon off? These highly respected men and women are recognized as being the kind of people who can get the job done, whatever it may be. They are decisive, focused results-oriented people. They have sense of urgency about their jobs in which they have trained themselves to be extremely capable of doing whatever is required. Consequently, bigger and better jobs and responsibilities seem to flow to them. If you want to achieve the success you desire you must become like these individual by adjusting your mentality and getting in tune with your best personal qualities. You need to create a results-oriented focus by identifying your goals and then taking the steps needed that will lead to your success.

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