Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Time management

If you want to be a top sales person you must be very good at time management. In sales you may never know when that next sale is coming from but with good time management you can learn to predict it. Time management is about accomplishing more in a shorter period of time. In sales creating time for every aspect of what you need to get done needs to be prioritized.

If you follow these steps you will enhance your time management skills:

1. Create a to do list – every morning create a to do list it saves time when you know exactly what you want to accomplish for the day. It will help keep you organized.

2. Delegate your time – set aside time for certain things such as email, service issues, prospecting and appointments

3. Streamline – reduce outside distractions this will help keep you Focused – when you are working stay focused on work when you are playing stay focused on playing

4. Be efficient and prioritize – have a plan know what you want to complete first this will also make you proactive as opposed to reactive.

As Brian Moran the author of “The 12 Week Year” explains in his book most sales companies do well when everyone focuses on the “year-end-push” towards annual targets. However, you should decide to have that focus in mini time periods such as per day, per week or per month. When you utilize the time management skills above you will find more success coming your way.

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